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The Rev Mia Hilborn, Senior Brigade Chaplain at Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, writes about her experience of the Coronavirus pandemic.
The Resource Hub is here to give Church of England churches access to logos, videos and stock photography to be used across their communication platforms.
Read the story of a Bolton mum who was struggling with alcohol addiction before receiving care, compassion and community at her local church.
A married couple, who are both priests, and who lost a child, have unveiled a "baby-loss memorial" in a parish churchyard.
Bath Abbey is using an ancient water way to heat the World Heritage site.
Rev Prebendary John Beauchamp has been blind for more than 30 years as a result of the eye condition, Retinitis Pigmentosa. He describes how his blindness has brought a unique dimension to his ministry.
Reflections from the The Bishop of Norwich, Graham Usher, the Church’s lead bishop for environmental affairs, following COP16.
Bishop of Chelmsford pledges to pray for young Palestinian Christian woman being held without charge, every day until her release after meeting her mother and brother in West Bank.
Churches offering services from the Book of Common Prayer are seeing unprecedented engagement with hundreds choosing to ‘tune in’ to more traditional offerings.
Pilgrim was developed by bishops and teachers of the Church of England to support every local church in learning and teaching the faith year by year as a normal part of parish life.