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A Christian presence in every community
1280 results found for 'node 48940 printable print'
A way of planning together: simple, effective, encouraging
We call upon the Church to pray for our nation.
The Church Development Tool exists to help you get to know your church better. It’s a survey available to you through - check out this blog to see how you can make the most of it.
Ideas to allow the people of our parishes and faith communities to turn virtual presence into real giving.
Prayer, conversation-starter and event resources to help churches and communities come together in prayer for the country and the Brexit process. Download documents, materials for local printing and social media graphics.
A new interactive calendar which marks days and weeks of the year celebrating the environment has been published.
These guidelines outline the general rules when using the Church of England's logo and other assets in print and online.
Whether on websites, in print or social media, visuals help us express our ideas quickly and effectively with the people we want to communicate with.
A style guide is a set of standards you apply to any digital or printed resources for your church. It can really help give consistency to your church.
Setting up and encouraging monthly giving online