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A Christian presence in every community
12045 results found for 'our faith advent christmas join followthestar'
Digital Evangelism / Mossley Parish shares how the Christmas campaign has helped them to welcome more people in this year.
#FollowTheStar was the Church of England’s and Archbishops’ Advent and Christmas campaign. It was fantastic to see so many churches use the resources to encourage attendance and share the good news of Jesus Christ at this important moment in the year.
Carol premiere forms part of the Church of England’s focus for Advent and Christmas 2023 ‘Follow the Star: Join the Song.’
What is Christmas and Advent all about?
Learn more about the Church of England's 2022 Advent and Christmas campaign, Follow The Star: The Great Invitation.
Engage with the Church of England's 2024 Advent and Christmas campaign, Follow The Star: Calm and Bright.
Social media can be a powerful way to spread the word and invite even more people along to something this Christmas.
Details of the Church of England's Advent and Christmas services.
Templates and useful links for preparing carol services, crib services and prayers at Christmas.
Help encourage families and children back into church after Christmas, over Epiphany and Candlemas, with our 'Beyond the Stable' and 'Share the Light' pilots.