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A Christian presence in every community
14056 results found for 'our faith being a christian advent aspx'
Watch our series of Our faith videos and find out some of the basics of the Christian faith.
Joy's calling is both to teaching and to ministry
The Christian life is shaped around loving God and loving our neighbour
Advent from Common Worship: Times and Seasons by The Church of England.
What is Christmas and Advent all about?
Advent from Common Worship: Collects and Post Communions by The Church of England.
You are invited to open our Advent calendar with us to reveal a daily family activity.
Collects and Post Communions from Common Worship: The Main Volume by The Church of England.
Children are to get a chance to learn music in the English choral tradition as part of plans by the Church of England to inspire young people to learn about the Christian faith, it was announced today.
Collects and Post Communions in Traditional Language from Common Worship: The Main Volume by The Church of England.