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A Christian presence in every community
924 results found for 'our faith being a christian advent aspx'
The Christian faith offers hope in the face of the tragedy and pain experienced worldwide in recent months, the Church of England’s online service will hear this weekend in a service led by people training for ministry.
St Martin-in-the-Fields church in central London is to broadcast a national online service to mark the start of Advent this weekend as the nation prepares for a Christmas ‘like no other’ amid the coronavirus pandemic.
If someone you love dies in the next few days, of whatever cause, it will still be possible to have a small funeral held at a church or a crematorium led by a Church of England minister.
#FollowTheStar was the Church of England’s and Archbishops’ Advent and Christmas campaign. It was fantastic to see so many churches use the resources to encourage attendance and share the good news of Jesus Christ at this important moment in the year.
Revd Andy Muckle, vicar of St Mary’s Parish Church West Moors reflects on taking part in the Living in Love and Faith (LLF) five-week course over Zoom and explains why others should be encouraged to take part.
Rev Frances Caroe describes how his time in Japan led to a return to faith, and then ordination.
Funding package worth £24 million announced by Church of England to help spread the Christian message in urban and deprived areas
FEATURE / A huge thank you to dioceses and local churches across England and the Diocese in Europe for getting involved in #GodWithUs and bringing the Advent and Christmas journey to millions of people. We really appreciate the feedback given in the run up to the campaign and your help in shaping and sharing it.
A series of video diaries from key workers in the South West offers an insight into how people’s faith is motivating their work during the coronavirus pandemic.
Special service of lessons and carols with participants from around the world issues challenge to stand up for 'righteousness and justice'.