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A Christian presence in every community
1328 results found for 'our faith being a christian advent aspx'
Watch our series of Our faith videos and find out some of the basics of the Christian faith.
The Christian life is shaped around loving God and loving our neighbour
What is Christmas and Advent all about?
You are invited to open our Advent calendar with us to reveal a daily family activity.
Learn more about the Church of England's 2022 Advent and Christmas campaign, Follow The Star: The Great Invitation.
Kindness is something families really value. Being kind to others matters to God too, and it also feels good to do good! Here are some ideas about encouraging kindness and some of the things Jesus suggested people can do.
Our Advent #FaithAtHome Collective Worship episode for secondary schools explains the meaning of Advent by exploring how Christians prepare for Christmas.
Our Advent #FaithAtHome Collective Worship episode for primary schools explains the meaning of Advent by exploring how Christians prepare for Christmas.
Advent is ‘the final countdown’ to Christmas day and many children will have an Advent calendar to help them count the days. It’s also a really special time for the church. Here’s more about why it’s so special, and some Advent activities for children.
Everyday Faith is a free devotional app from the Church of England that offers digital journeys of reflection, prayer and guidance that will inspire, equip and encourage you in your everyday faith.