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Watch our series of Our faith videos and find out some of the basics of the Christian faith.
The Christian life is shaped around loving God and loving our neighbour
Our churches form the country’s single largest 'estate' of built heritage. Find out more about them on this page.
Revd Andy Muckle, vicar of St Mary’s Parish Church West Moors reflects on taking part in the Living in Love and Faith (LLF) five-week course over Zoom and explains why others should be encouraged to take part.
Digital Evangelism / Mossley Parish shares how the Christmas campaign has helped them to welcome more people in this year.
How can we use our digital communications to connect people to the church around us Monday to Saturday? Here’s two things to get you started…
Generosity needs to be woven into all of the life of the church, embedded within our ministry and mission and celebrated and encouraged whenever we gather together.
Access a range of resources to help you plan a legacy campaign and promote legacy giving in your church.
6. This is our Story from New Patterns for Worship by The Church of England.