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A Christian presence in every community
1617 results found for 'our views church in parliament bishops in house of lords archbishopcant aspx'
We support the work of the Church of England in Parliament, including the bishops in the House of Lords (the Lords Spiritual) and the Second Church Estates Commissioner in the House of Commons.
Christian contributions to public debate.
Information about the House and College of Bishops and a summary of all Church of England's bishops' meetings.
Sustainable, Safe, Stable, Sociable, Satisfying.
The Corporation of The Church House was founded as a charity in 1888 by Royal Charter. Based in and adjacent to Dean’s Yard, near Westminster Abbey, the building houses the National Institutions of the Church of England.
This privacy notice explains what you can expect when we collect and process your personal information under the UK General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).
Parliament week runs from 2-8 November 2019. Find out how your church can get involved.
Our churches form the country’s single largest 'estate' of built heritage. Find out more about them on this page.
Discover more about the Lord's prayer, the prayer which teaches people to pray.
In May 2014, the House of Bishops made its Declaration on the Ministry of Bishops and Priests (GS Misc 1076) in the context of impending legislation enabling the consecration of women as bishops.