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A Christian presence in every community
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The Church is committed to working with and supporting the diversity of Britain’s households in every community and at national level. We believe the family is an important part of God’s plan for a healthy society.
Marriage from Common Worship: Pastoral Services by The Church of England.
The promises you make on your wedding day seal your love and commitment to each other for the rest of your lives, so it makes sense to spend some time thinking about the words and all that they mean.
NEWS / The Revd Dr Malcolm Brown, the Church of England’s Director of Mission and Public Affairs, comments on plans for a new system of registration for marriages, including church weddings, in England and Wales.
FEATURE / Dr Sandra Millar, Head of Life Events for the Church of England discusses the possibility of changes to marriage registration systems.
NEWS / Following their meeting on February 13th 2014 the House of Bishops of the Church of England have today issued a statement of Pastoral Guidance on Same Sex Marriage.
Marriage is one of the most serious commitments two people can make to each other. It's also an amazing adventure. Read on to find out more about being, as well as getting, married.
Some couples will need to apply for a Superintendent Registrar’s Marriage Schedule before their wedding instead of having banns. Read on for an outline of when you might need this, and what to expect when applying for one.
The story of your relationship as a couple may have begun fairly recently or years ago. Either way, getting married is a whole new beginning for you, your family and others in your life.
Having a different faith to your partner need not be a barrier to having a church wedding if you’d both like one. Just like all couples, the vicar will want to get to know you both and help you develop a ceremony that reflects your story.