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The Church Investors Group (CIG or the Group), representing 70 members and £21bn in assets, has this week written to the leaders of FTSE 350 companies to inform them that it will be enhancing its scrutiny of corporates ESG aspects this AGM season.
The Church of England's National Investing Bodies (NIBs) - the Church Commissioners, Church of England Pensions Board, and CBF Church of England Funds (managed by CCLA) - today announced the launch of a new policy on investing in extractive industries.
The Church of England’s Ethical Investment Advisory Group (“EIAG”) has today published advice to the National Investing Bodies (NIBs) to guide their approach to international human rights norms. The EIAG advises robust human rights due diligence across supply chains, and that the NIBs continue to ensure that human rights are respected by the companies in which they invest. The NIBs have published a new stand-alone Human Rights policy in line with this guidance.
Hannah Woolley has been appointed Secretary to the Church of England’s Ethical Investment Advisory group (EIAG), effective March 2023.
NEWS / Church of England announces appointment of Secretary to Ethical Investment Advisory Group.
The Church of England Pensions Board announced today the appointment of Stephen Barrie as Deputy Director of Ethics and Engagement.
The Church of England’s Ethical Investment Advisory Group (EIAG) is pleased to announce the appointment of Amanda Nelson, CEO and Chair of Vodafone Hungary, to the Group.
NEWS / Adam Matthews has been appointed to a new senior executive position as the Director of Ethics and Engagement for the Church of England Pensions Board.
The Church of England’s Social Impact Investment Programme has made a £1.1m investment in Charity Bank and will take a 3.6% stake in the bank.
Lead bishop in House of Lords for economics and business comments on Budget 2024