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A Christian presence in every community
14607 results found for 'policy thinking our views environment climate change about our environment energy footprint tool'
A glimpse of our diversity with Christina Chong, Lead Education Practitioner, Leaders Like Us graduate.
A glimpse of our diversity with Cherish Bere, former Head of Department, St Saviour's and St Olave's CE School, Southwark.
A glimpse of our diversity with the Very Revd Andrew Zilni, Dean of Gloucester Cathedral.
A glimpse of our diversity with Revd Sue Butler.
A glimpse of our diversity with Rt Revd Rose Hudson-Wilkin, CD, MBE, Bishop of Dover.
A glimpse of our diversity with Revd Amy Tan, Curate, Diocese of Birmingham.
Join us for our Service for the Third Sunday before Lent, from Rotherham Minster.
Resources based on the Living Ministry Research.
Trees are a traditional and valuable feature in your churchyard. They create character and support wildlife. We can help you take good care of them.