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Gareth Mostyn, the Chief Executive of the Church Commissioners for England, is stepping down after five years in the role.
General Synod today voted in support of next steps on safeguarding independence as outlined in a paper presented to Synod from the Church of England’s lead safeguarding bishop, Joanne Grenfell.
Statement from lead safeguarding bishop, Joanne Grenfell on the independent report published today from Fiona Scolding KC, commissioned by Soul Survivor, into the Mike Pilavachi case.
Churches across the country are encouraged to mark Safeguarding Sunday on November 17.
A busy city church has saved thousands of pounds on its energy bills thanks to making a number of small changes to reduce its carbon footprint and help care for God’s creation.
How to get involved with UN climate conference - COP28
Former chief crown prosecutor appointed as the independent chair of National Safeguarding Panel.
A programme of public events that began with mini golf has led to an increase in the numbers attending Sunday worship at Rochester Cathedral.
A church in Stroud has cut its carbon emissions, saved money and been able to invite more people into the building, all thanks to the inspiration of two members of the congregation.
A former teacher who was drawn to ordained ministry in the Church of England as she took pupils on educational visits is now overseeing a key scheme allowing young adults to discover their vocation in life.