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A Christian presence in every community
127 results found for 'prayer worship join us in daily prayer morning prayer contemporary saturday 26 may 2018'
Safeguarding Sunday prayer video launched
Safeguarding data has been published today taken from annual safeguarding returns, collected by dioceses in 2018 and sent to the National Safeguarding Team.
Summary of business from May National Safeguarding Steering Group
Summary of National Safeguarding Steering Group May meeting 2023
Safeguarding resources, for use in churches across the country, including Bible readings, prayers and suggested hymns, chosen in consultation with survivors, have been published today
To: bishops, deans, archdeacons, clergy, diocesan secretaries, diocesan and cathedral safeguarding officers/advisers, parish safeguarding officers, church wardens, diocesan communications officers, and principals of TEIs.
Work is underway in all 42 dioceses on the Church of England's Past Cases Review 2 (PCR2) with a key focus on listening to survivors who want to come forward. The Church was criticised for not including their voices in the original PCR 2007/8 as shown in an independent scrutiny report, published in 2018.
NEWS / Bishop Peter Hancock, the Church of England’s lead safeguarding bishop on Safeguarding Sunday
On Tuesday 9th July General Synod debated the revised Abuse (Redress) Measure that will, once it comes into effect, make legal provision for the creation of the Redress Scheme for victims and survivors of Church-related abuse.
Statement from Archbishops' Council regarding the Independent Safeguarding Board