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A Christian presence in every community
656 results found for 'prayer worship topical prayers prayer following earthquake off japan aspx'
Proposals move forward after Safeguarding debate
general synod debate on the Makin Review, published in November, which looked at the Church's handling of the horrendous abuse by the late John Smyth
The Church of England Pensions Board is urging the public to back the #GomaCallForPeace calling on leaders to return to talks to prevent further loss of lives, the growing humanitarian crisis and risk of regional escalation.
The National Survivor Participation Framework is a guide for any Church body and any victim or survivor who participates or wants to participate in making safeguarding changes in the Church of England.
Information of has been received of sexual abuse and coercive and controlling behaviour concerning the Revd David Fletcher (deceased) towards women and girls.
The Church of England’s Pensions Board has awarded a new national repairs and maintenance contract to OCS, a leading Hard Services and property maintenance solutions provider.
Statements following the announcement that Bishop John Perumbalath will resign as Bishop of Liverpool.
The £3.4 billion Church of England Pensions Board highlights risk of exposure to international supply chains from minerals from the conflict area.
Statement provided in response to an item on Channel 4 news this evening about the Bishop of Liverpool, John Perumbalath.
Response from Joanne Grenfell, the Lead Bishop for Safeguarding, to a statement from the Charity Commission.