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A Christian presence in every community
924 results found for 'prayer worship worship book of common prayer articles of religion aspx'
Available curacy vacancies at the Diocese of Worcester.
Women of the Nativity is a collection of nine imagined stories told from the perspective of women, written by Paula Gooder, recreating the events of the Nativity.
Our new Calm and Bright Bedtime Stories recount the events of the first Christmas from the point of view of four different characters – the Angel Gabriel, Joseph, a Shepherd and Mary.
We help you keep your church building open, used for worship and enjoyed by all.
Information about the Diocesan Investment Programme
Working toward a thriving, growing, loving church on every significant social housing estate in the country – through new patterns of ministry, sharing good practice and encouraging leaders.
This Guide to parochial fees is published for the information of parochial clergy and parochial church councils.
We are hosting a series of webinars to help you engage with the vision and strategic priorities, explore what the priorities might mean in your context, and identify examples of what is working well and resources that are available.
The Mission Theology & Apologetics Group (MTAG) serves the churches by reflecting on issues affecting the mission and ministry of the Church and creating resources to deepen discipleship, to energise service to all, and to enable faith sharing.