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To: bishops, deans, archdeacons, clergy, diocesan secretaries, diocesan and cathedral safeguarding officers/advisers, parish safeguarding officers, church wardens, diocesan communications officers, and principals of TEIs.
STATEMENT / Bishop of Lincoln
Archbishop of Canterbury statement on Soul Survivor
NEWS / The Bishop of Chichester, Dr Martin Warner, has issued the following statement following an article published in the Brighton Argus Newspaper.
NEWS / The Rt Revd Paul Butler, Bishop of Durham today announced the appointment of a new full-time National Safeguarding Adviser for the Church of England.
In response to your article ‘CofE is ‘being used’ in campaign against Dean of Christ Church’ I would like to point out that the National Safeguarding Team has no view about, and is not involved in, the wider issues relating to the College and the Dean.
NEWS / Responding Well to Domestic Abuse: Policy and Practice Guidance
Article for Civil Society magazine by lead safeguarding bishop Joanne Woolway Grenfell on safeguarding governance in the Church of England.
The Church of England is supporting the international campaign for 16 days of activism to end gender-based violence, as newly released figures show that there has been a 37% increase in reports of domestic abuse to diocesan safeguarding advisers over the past three years (2019-2021).
New working group will bring together theologians, Church leaders and safeguarding professionals.