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Draft for Consultation
The Archbishop of Canterbury opened the market this morning at the London Stock Exchange before addressing delegates at the Transition Pathway Initiative – Asset Owners State of Transition Climate Summit.
This afternoon General Synod affirmed its support for the National Investing Bodies’ (NIBs) approach to tackling climate change, including its ongoing strategy of engaging with companies rather than prematurely disinvesting from them.
The Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI), co-founded by the Church of England’s National Investing Bodies and the Environment Agency Pension Fund, has been recognised this week for its work at the Finance for the Future Awards.
The Church of England has launched an ambitious initiative to help its network of schools reach net zero, as part of the first phase of its multi-million-pound Net Zero Carbon Programme.
The Paris Aligned Asset Owners initiative, an international group of asset owners committed to supporting the goal of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 or sooner, has published its first Progress Report showcasing the steps asset owners are taking to reach their net-zero goals.
NEWS / New funds join the Transition Pathway Initiative.
The Church Commissioners for England is working with the Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT) on a new initiative to help fight the climate, nature and wellbeing crisis by creating networks of healthy wetlands across the UK.
The Church Commissioners, together with Aviva Investors and Scottish Widows, has launched the Investor Initiative on Human Rights Data (II-HRD), which aims to improve the quality of corporate human rights data available to investors.
A year long global initiative is being launched to define an investor agenda to be achieved by 2030 for the mining sector.