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The Church Commissioners for England have received three awards at the IPE (Investment & Pensions Europe) Awards held last Thursday in Berlin, recognising their industry-leading work on responsible investment.
First pilot begins as Church of England aims to enable contactless giving in half of all parishes over the next two years.
NEWS / A Birmingham church transformed into a community centre is the first to complete a conservation project under the ChurchCare 100 Church Treasures campaign.
The Bishop of Manchester, David Walker, has written to the Editor of the Guardian following publication yesterday of an article about the Chair of the Church of England Pensions Board.
A memorial event at which families of those killed in the devastating Brumadinho disaster shared testimonies and prayers has catalysed investors to take further steps in recognition of the profound risks caused by tailings facilities.
Up to £155 million of additional investment is proposed over the next three years by the Church of England to fund an increase in number of people coming forward to train for the priesthood and support cathedrals and disadvantaged areas, under plans announced today.
NEWS / Investors give mining companies 45 days for full disclosure on tailings storage facilities
Institutional investors with more than $10tn of combined assets under management are supporting a shareholder proposal urging ExxonMobil to improve its disclosure of the impact of climate change policies on its business, despite Exxon's board recommending a vote against.
For 2,000 years Christians have shared the gospel around the world, as Jesus commissioned his disciples to do, and will continue to do so
NEWS / The Church of England Pensions Board today announced the nomination of Clive Mather as the Chair of the Church of England Pension Board for a four-year term.