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A Christian presence in every community
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The National Survivor Participation Framework is a guide for any Church body and any victim or survivor who participates or wants to participate in making safeguarding changes in the Church of England.
Information of has been received of sexual abuse and coercive and controlling behaviour concerning the Revd David Fletcher (deceased) towards women and girls.
The Church of England Pensions Board (CEPB) has agreed a £50m revolving credit facility with NatWest that will help grow its retirement housing portfolio.
The Church of England’s Pensions Board has awarded a new national repairs and maintenance contract to OCS, a leading Hard Services and property maintenance solutions provider.
Statements following the announcement that Bishop John Perumbalath will resign as Bishop of Liverpool.
Statement provided in response to an item on Channel 4 news this evening about the Bishop of Liverpool, John Perumbalath.
Response from Joanne Grenfell, the Lead Bishop for Safeguarding, to a statement from the Charity Commission.
More than £400,000 has been saved over the past 12 months by members of food clubs, or low cost food shops, run by Church of England churches in just one town.
Archbishops welcome publication of Future of Church Safeguarding Report.
A church in London’s famous theatre district has found inspiration from another church as it seeks to reduce its carbon emissions.