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A Christian presence in every community
1130 results found for 'prayer worship worship texts resources book common prayer collects epistles gospels 70'
The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is dedicated to reflecting on our unity in Christ and exploring ways to demonstrate love and support for one another.
Proposals for pastoral reorganisation affecting the parish of Millom and church of St Luke, Haverigg in the diocese of Carlisle.
This consultation expires on Monday 24th February 2025.
We are hosting a series of webinars to help you engage with the vision and strategic priorities, explore what the priorities might mean in your context, and identify examples of what is working well and resources that are available.
Growing Faith activities
A Special Licence represents exceptional permission given by the Archbishop of Canterbury to get married in a particular place. It is relatively rare to require one.
Using AChurchNearYou as your church's website
Learn how to use digital communications for evangelism and discipleship. These live webinars are the place to learn new skills, ask questions and see real examples of good practice from across the Church.
Documentation, resources and tools for the Church of England National Safeguarding Standards and Quality Assurance Framework.
The Church of England website privacy policy.