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Safeguarding Sunday prayer video launched
Safeguarding resources, for use in churches across the country, including Bible readings, prayers and suggested hymns, chosen in consultation with survivors, have been published today
NEWS / Response to Lord Justice Goddard announcement.
The Church of England is investing in a ground-breaking programme of safeguarding training and resources, created especially for children and young people.
NEWS / Lord Carlile named as independent reviewer in George Bell case.
A new initiative focused on survivors of church-based abuse and those who support them is being launched by the Diocese of Newcastle.
The initiative, which is a response to recent guidance issued by the Church of England to church officers and church bodies on how to respond well to victims and survivors of all kinds of abuse, has been part funded by the charity Safe Spaces.
Safe Spaces, the free, independent national support service for victims and survivors of church-related abuse, have produced new posters for churches to signpost to their free confidential helpline.
To: bishops, deans, archdeacons, clergy, diocesan secretaries, diocesan and cathedral safeguarding officers/advisers, parish safeguarding officers, church wardens, diocesan communications officers, and principals of TEIs.
The Church of England is supporting the international campaign for 16 days of activism to end gender-based violence, as newly released figures show that there has been a 37% increase in reports of domestic abuse to diocesan safeguarding advisers over the past three years (2019-2021).
The Bishop of Bristol, Bishop Viv Faull has been appointed a deputy lead bishop for safeguarding, with a focus on liaison with diocesan bishops on behalf of the National Safeguarding Steering Group (NSSG) and with the wider Anglican Communion, and to speak on safeguarding in the House of Lords.