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A Christian presence in every community
9 results found for 'renewal reform'
The Archbishop of Canterbury and the Bishop of Lincoln have met together to pray and discuss next steps following the conclusion of the clergy disciplinary process instigated after the Bishop’s suspension in May 2019 and subsequent investigation.
Summary of March National Safeguarding Steering Group meeting
Following the publication (Oct 6) of its overarching IICSA report, the Church’s national governing bodies have all endorsed a motion apologising to victims and survivors and committing to urgently implementing the six IICSA recommendations. There will be a particular focus on independent safeguarding and redress for survivors and victims
A statement from the Church of England on IICSA’s Child Migration Report.
Summary of presentation on safeguarding independence and synod debate on safeguarding
NEWS / Synod voted today that proposals for draft legislation to enable the Church of England to deal more effectively with safeguarding issues be brought forward.
STATEMENT / Archbishops Council IICSA Opening Statement
A Betrayal of Trust, the independent report into the Church's handling of the allegations concerning the late Hubert Victor Whitsey, former Bishop of Chester, was published in October.
New working group will bring together theologians, Church leaders and safeguarding professionals.