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A Christian presence in every community
184 results found for 'resources advent christmas 2021 resources heart christmas'
#FollowTheStar was the Church of England’s and Archbishops’ Advent and Christmas campaign. It was fantastic to see so many churches use the resources to encourage attendance and share the good news of Jesus Christ at this important moment in the year.
Hundreds of children at church school given innovative boxes complete with craft activities for Advent and Christmas.
FEATURE / Find out more about the special #FollowTheStar features on A Church Near You.
FEATURE / Ideas on how your church can become a star church for this year's #FollowTheStar campaign.
FEATURE / A huge thank you to dioceses and local churches across England and the Diocese in Europe for getting involved in #GodWithUs and bringing the Advent and Christmas journey to millions of people. We really appreciate the feedback given in the run up to the campaign and your help in shaping and sharing it.
TV presenter Katie Piper is the latest celebrity to reveal all and tell viewers of the Church of England’s digital channels her favourite Christmas song.
FEATURE / We’re excited to be updating churches and congregations across the country with this year’s #GodWithUs campaign.
FEATURE / This weekend, an army of volunteers will set to work on preparing Christmas Day lunches to be held in or organised by Church of England parishes.
Chichester Cathedral doubles own target for food donations for people in crisis, as churches in the area offer hot food and warm spaces this Christmas.
Columbia Road, most famous for its flower market, overtaken by open-air carol singing organised by St Peter’s Bethnal Green.