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A Christian presence in every community
570 results found for 'resources digital labs'
Part of Church of England Digital Labs. Discover blogs on design, photography, social media strategy and more. Aimed specifically at those running social and web projects in churches.
Learn how to use digital communications for evangelism and discipleship. These live webinars are the place to learn new skills, ask questions and see real examples of good practice from across the Church.
Part of Church of England Digital Labs. Sign up to our email list to receive news and updates from our campaigns, products and websites as well as general digital news to be aware of, links to our latest blogs and more.
News, resources and events for supporting digital evangelism and digital discipleship in the Church of England.
Meet the exhibitors from the Digital Labs conference
Digital training for ordinands.
The Digital Team was created in October 2016 to develop the Church of England's approach to the web, social media and wider technological innovation.
How digital resources are encouraging prayer and nurturing faith.
This is a voluntary pledge that we’re encouraging individual Christians as well as churches to sign to help make social media and the web more widely positive places for conversations to happen.
The National Giving Team is embarking on a three-year project to help thousands of more churches to get started with digital giving.