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A Christian presence in every community
15176 results found for 'safeguarding promoting safer church'
REPORT / Safeguarding Data Report Published
How the conversations we’re having can help change someone’s newsfeed for the better?
Churches across the country are encouraged to mark Safeguarding Sunday on November 17.
To: bishops, deans, archdeacons, clergy, diocesan secretaries, diocesan and cathedral safeguarding officers/advisers, parish safeguarding officers, church wardens, diocesan communications officers, and principals of TEIs.
This privacy notice is provided to explain what to expect when the National Church Institutions process your personal information for the purpose of safeguarding, in accordance with UK GDPR.
COMMENT / Throughout the year churches across the country open their doors to people of all ages, for services, weekday clubs and vital community projects.
Documentation, resources and tools for the Church of England National Safeguarding Standards and Quality Assurance Framework.
Launch of vital national survey to understand how victims and survivors would like to be involved in the development and implementation of a Church of England survivor engagement framework.
Safeguarding Sunday prayer video launched
The Church of England’s Independent Safeguarding Board has published Terms of Reference to review the handling of safeguarding issues regarding the former Dean of Christ Church, Oxford