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A Christian presence in every community
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Key insights from an ongoing Church of England research programme into clergy flourishing are to be distributed to curates across the country as part of an initiative to promote clergy wellbeing, it was announced today.
Edward Mason, Head of Responsible Investment for the Church Commissioners for England comments on today’s annual shareholder meeting at ExxonMobil.
The Archbishops of Canterbury and York are calling for Church of England churches to put public worship on hold and become a “different sort of church”.
As students across the UK receive their GCSE results today, The Church of England’s Lead Bishop for Education, Bishop of Durham, Paul Butler has called for a renewed focus on schools re-opening in September.
The Archbishop of Canterbury will call for “a resurrection of our common life,” during his Easter Sunday sermon.
The Archbishop of Canterbury has given his backing to a call from the Pope for Christians across the world to join in saying the Lord’s Prayer.
The Church of England attracted its largest ‘congregation’ ever yesterday, in spite of the suspension of public worship in its churches to stem the spread of coronavirus.
Archbishop of Canterbury to lead a national broadcast as the Church of England responds to the challenge of becoming a “different sort of church” in the face of the challenge of coronavirus.
Press releases from January 1st 2020 - December 31st 2020.
The Church of England Pensions Board today has announced it will not support the Follow This Resolution at Shell’s forthcoming AGM.