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A Christian presence in every community
336 results found for 'search results printable print'
A way of planning together: simple, effective, encouraging
We call upon the Church to pray for our nation. is the Church of England’s official church finder tool, and it also offers free websites for churches and benefices.
Prayer, conversation-starter and event resources to help churches and communities come together in prayer for the country and the Brexit process. Download documents, materials for local printing and social media graphics.
We give grants towards the conservation of historic church interiors, churchyard structures, and conservation reports for historic objects in churches.
These guidelines outline the general rules when using the Church of England's logo and other assets in print and online.
Crockford's Clerical Directory is the definitive guide of Anglican clergy and churches in the Church of England, the Church of Ireland, the Church in Wales and the Scottish Episcopal Church.
One of the first things you will need to do is be in touch with your local church. Whether you speak to an administrator, a friendly parent like you from the church, or the vicar, they will be glad to hear from you.
If you're arranging a funeral, a Church of England minister can lead it. Whether you already know the vicar, or whether you would like to make contact with a person where your loved one lived, this page will help you find out how.