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A Christian presence in every community
59 results found for 'search results printable print'
A vicarage in a deprived area of Bristol has been transformed by the installation of solar panels, insulation and an air source heat pump.
A busy city church has saved thousands of pounds on its energy bills thanks to making a number of small changes to reduce its carbon footprint and help care for God’s creation.
Isolation resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic has been pervasive for domestic abuse victims: for those self-isolating with someone who is harming them, it may seem that there is no way out.
Rev Prebendary John Beauchamp has been blind for more than 30 years as a result of the eye condition, Retinitis Pigmentosa. He describes how his blindness has brought a unique dimension to his ministry.
Church of England national funding for features such as improved broadband and pooled administrative support have given rural parishes a boost.
Vision to be a community hub and sacred space sees Church grow.
We have been investigating how to further improve the search engine functionality through user feedback and expert advice.
Hundreds of churches have signed up to a week-long ‘nature count’ beginning this weekend which will encourage people to visit churchyards and record what they see.
Analysis for the Trussell Trust shows that nearly 100,000 households sought food aid from its network of food banks for the first time in April and June as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.
A curate has started a local text-a-prayer service for those wanting someone to pray with amid Covid-19 restrictions.