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A Christian presence in every community
335 results found for 'search results printable print'
Press releases from January 1st 2020 - December 31st 2020.
Keywords; Net-zero Carbon, Biomass, Diocese of Leeds, Grade II-listed building, Parish Church, Written Case Study
St Cuthman's Church on the Whitehawk Estate in Brighton was on the verge of closing. Following a partnership with another church, it is now a thriving presence in the community.
This Guide to parochial fees is published for the information of parochial clergy and parochial church councils.
Keywords; Net-zero Carbon, Heat Pump, Grade II*-listed Building, Diocese of Leicester, Parish Church, Written Case Study
If you’ve seen banners or posters advertising a Messy Church near to you but you’re not sure what it’s about, find out how you can get involved.
A prayer for Blue Christmas, for those who feel alone or are grieving this Advent, or find the season difficult for other reasons.
This resource combines missional and digital wisdom to inspire and inform churches planning for the post-COVID online world.
Liturgical resources for Creation and the Environment.
Discover more about Living in Love and Faith. Christian teaching and learning about identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage.