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A Christian presence in every community
271 results found for 'sites default files 2018 05 Exeter confidentiality notice pdf'
Safeguarding data has been published today taken from annual safeguarding returns, collected by dioceses in 2018 and sent to the National Safeguarding Team.
Church of England response to BBC File on Four Programme relating to the David Tudor, a priest who was prohibited from ministry for life in October.
Statements regarding BBC File on Four Blackburn Cathedral case
Safe Spaces, the free, independent national support service for victims and survivors of church-related abuse, have produced new posters for churches to signpost to their free confidential helpline.
Work is underway in all 42 dioceses on the Church of England's Past Cases Review 2 (PCR2) with a key focus on listening to survivors who want to come forward. The Church was criticised for not including their voices in the original PCR 2007/8 as shown in an independent scrutiny report, published in 2018.
NEWS / Statement on the sentencing of Peter Ball.
Summary of July National Safeguarding Steering Group meeting
STATEMENT / Protocols and practice guidance for the Church of England’s Past Cases Review 2, (PCR2) have been published today.
NEWS / A transcript of the oral closing submission from the Archbishops' Council for the Peter Ball case study as part if the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) on 27 July 2018.
IICSA has announced today further details into the Peter Ball hearing to be held 23-27 July 2018.