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A Christian presence in every community
1682 results found for 'sites default files 2018 06 GS 2093 Climate change investment A Report from NIBs pdf'
All relevant information, documents and papers for the July 2018 Group of Sessions.
The Pensions Board administers pension schemes for those who have worked or ministered for the Church of England. It is one of the Church’s three National Investing Bodies (‘NIBs’).
This report sets out the context and challenges for small and rural schools.
The Ethical Investment Advisory Group (EIAG) supports the Church Commissioners, the Church of England Pensions Board and the CBF Church of England Funds (managed by CCLA), referred to as the National Investing Bodies, or NIBs.
Details of the conferences run by the Church Commissioners' Pastoral Team during summer 2018
Don’t underestimate the power of your money. Not only can we spend our money in responsible ways, but we can influence businesses to invest in supporting social justice and preventing environmental degradation.
A Church of England funeral is available to everyone, giving support before, during and after the service, for as long as it’s needed.
Explore the kinds of changes that could help your church adapt to our changing climate, so that extreme weather events cause less harm and can be recovered from more quickly.
Your architect will hire the builders and manage the building works. But you need to understand what is happening because, in the end, it’s your responsibility.
All relevant information, documents and papers for the February 2018 Group of Sessions.