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A Christian presence in every community
386 results found for 'sites default files 2018 06 GS Misc 1196 Intensifying engagement disinvestment in fossil fuel companies pdf'
Why do churchgoers carry palm crosses? Why will there be processions through towns and cities this Sunday? Why will donkeys be seen in churches and cathedrals this week?
What does Good Friday commemorate? What happens in churches and cathedrals on Good Friday? Where does the name originate?
Why is Holy Saturday significant? How does the Church commemorate it? What is the Saturday before Easter Day called?
What does it commemorate? What does Maundy mean? Why do Christians wash feet? What is Maundy Money?
Key workers are to be celebrated by poets in a new competition founded by a Christian cleaning company that promotes fair pay and dignity at work.
FEATURE / Kat Brealey, Presence & Engagement’s National Coordinator speaks on the programme’s work and its future projects.
The Bishop of Norwich, Graham Usher, reflects on the outcomes of COP28
The summit should make good on commitments to tackling climate change, writes Rt Revd Graham Usher, lead Bishop for the environment.
There are already encouraging signs of hope that the Church is embracing this unique opportunity to learn and reflect together across difference, for the sake of our unity in Christ.
The Resource Hub is here to give Church of England churches access to logos, videos and stock photography to be used across their communication platforms.