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A Christian presence in every community
16128 results found for 'sites default files 2019 06 Safeguarding Data Report 2015 2017 for publication 003 pdf'
REPORT / Safeguarding Data Report Published
Publications and data resources produced by the Data Services unit of the Church of England. Including parish level census and deprivation statistics.
Safeguarding data has been published today taken from annual safeguarding returns, collected by dioceses in 2018 and sent to the National Safeguarding Team.
Publication of diocesan safeguarding data 2019-21
From the Bishop of Huddersfield, Jonathan Gibbs, the Church of England’s lead safeguarding bishop and Melissa Caslake the Church’s national director of safeguarding.
Statement on publication of ISB annual report
Data Services newsletter
The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse, IICSA, has today published its report into the Anglican Church.
NEWS / The outcomes of four pilot independent audits into safeguarding arrangements in the Church of England have been published today.
Report by leading barrister Sarah Wilkinson into the Church of England’s Independent Safeguarding Board (ISB).