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A Christian presence in every community
396 results found for 'sites default files 2019 12 CWPF Annual Actuarial Report PPT3571721 pdf'
Joanne Grenfell, lead bishop for Safeguarding, opens the debate on Managing Allegations Code of Practice, a new Safeguarding code of practice.
Joanne Grenfell, lead bishop for Safeguarding, opens the debate on the Reporting Code of Practice, a new Safeguarding code of practice.
More than £400,000 has been saved over the past 12 months by members of food clubs, or low cost food shops, run by Church of England churches in just one town.
A church in London’s famous theatre district has found inspiration from another church as it seeks to reduce its carbon emissions.
People struggling with energy bills and the cost of keeping warm over the winter are being offered support by one of the oldest Cathedrals in England.
This year’s world-famous Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols service at Kings College Chapel in Cambridge will have one significant difference: it will be powered by solar panels.
Revd Andy Muckle, vicar of St Mary’s Parish Church West Moors reflects on taking part in the Living in Love and Faith (LLF) five-week course over Zoom and explains why others should be encouraged to take part.
Sarah Tapp, a curate of a charismatic and evangelical church, is encouraging others to take part in Living in Love and Faith (LLF) following the completion of courses in her parish.
A Devon vicar says the questions around human sexuality, gender and relationships covered by the Church of England’s Living in Love and Faith course are as relevant in her rural parishes as anywhere else.
The Church is embracing the 'unique opportunity' to learn and reflect despite differences, through Living in Love and Faith (LLF).