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A Christian presence in every community
394 results found for 'sites default files 2020 03 200203 Growing Faith Trailblazer Vision Feb20 pdf'
Why is Holy Saturday significant? How does the Church commemorate it? What is the Saturday before Easter Day called?
Why do churchgoers carry palm crosses? Why will there be processions through towns and cities this Sunday? Why will donkeys be seen in churches and cathedrals this week?
What does Good Friday commemorate? What happens in churches and cathedrals on Good Friday? Where does the name originate?
What does it commemorate? What does Maundy mean? Why do Christians wash feet? What is Maundy Money?
COMMENT / Revd Nigel Genders, Chief Education Officer speaks about new guidance to Church schools on tackling homophobic, biphobic and transphobic (HBT) bullyin
A series of video diaries from key workers in the South West offers an insight into how people’s faith is motivating their work during the coronavirus pandemic.
Efforts by an innovative university chaplain has seen a prayer group grow and two upcoming baptisms from students and staff on campus amid Covid-19 lockdown.
Children and Families Worker Emma Johnson shares how faith has transformed her life.
St John’s Peterborough sees its congregation double in two years.
An outdoor prayer service started under lockdown at an Oxfordshire church has attracted more than 100 people and revived interest in a rural church.