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A Christian presence in every community
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The Church Commissioners for England today reiterated support for the climate-related shareholder resolution, filed against the board of ExxonMobil, and calls on Exxon not to block the resolution going to a vote in 2020.
NEWS / Investors give mining companies 45 days for full disclosure on tailings storage facilities
NEWS / The Church of England Pensions Board, together with investors with assets totalling nearly £50bn, has filed a shareholder resolution at Rio Tinto calling on the company to review and fully disclose its relationships with industry bodies.
The Church of England Pensions Board has today launched the 2020 Annual Review, showcasing the work of the Board throughout 2020.
The Church Commissioners for England in 2020 worked to address the climate change and social challenges exacerbated by Covid-19.
The report follows an interim announcement in June 2022, which reported for the first time, and with great dismay, that the Church Commissioners’ endowment had historic links to transatlantic chattel slavery*
The Church of England Pensions Board, together with Swedish public pension funds AP7, AP2, AP3, AP4 and Danish AkademikerPension, has filed a case against Volkswagen AG.
Church Commissioners for England file shareholder proposal asking ExxonMobil to set goals in-line with Paris Agreement.
The Pensions Board seeks to make real change in high carbon sectors
The Church Commissioners for England have announced their support for an activist investor campaign targeting ExxonMobil.