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A Christian presence in every community
1148 results found for 'sites default files 2021 06 GS 2210 Appointment of Body Anglican Methodist Covenant pdf'
Leaders of the Church of England and Methodist Church in Great Britain issue a challenge to work to become 'fully one'.
FEATURE / In the Nottinghamshire town of Retford, Anglican and Methodist congregations have shared church services and missionary projects for many years. The churches have even shared a Church of England vicar.
The Church of England has appointed Dr Sanjee Perera as Archbishops’ Adviser on Minority Ethnic Anglican Concerns.
The Revd Canon Dr Chigor Chike has been appointed as the Church of England’s interim National Adviser Minority Ethnic Anglican Concerns as work begins to establish a new body to combat racism.
Statements regarding BBC File on Four Blackburn Cathedral case
NEWS / The Church of England Pensions Board, together with investors with assets totalling nearly £50bn, has filed a shareholder resolution at Rio Tinto calling on the company to review and fully disclose its relationships with industry bodies.
Church of England response to BBC File on Four Programme relating to the David Tudor, a priest who was prohibited from ministry for life in October.
This afternoon General Synod affirmed its support for the National Investing Bodies’ (NIBs) approach to tackling climate change, including its ongoing strategy of engaging with companies rather than prematurely disinvesting from them.
What does it commemorate? What does Maundy mean? Why do Christians wash feet? What is Maundy Money?
The Church Commissioners for England have announced the appointment of three members to their Board of Governors.