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280 results found for 'sites default files 2022 01 GS 2253 Consultation on Proposed Changes to the Canterbury CNC pdf'
NEWS / The Church of England Pensions Board, together with investors with assets totalling nearly £50bn, has filed a shareholder resolution at Rio Tinto calling on the company to review and fully disclose its relationships with industry bodies.
NEWS / Investors in ExxonMobil, led by New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli and the Church Commissioners for England, this week asked the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in the United States to deny the company's request for permission to block a shareholder proposal for information on how the company will weather the global agreement to rein in climate change.
Institutional investors with more than $10tn of combined assets under management are supporting a shareholder proposal urging ExxonMobil to improve its disclosure of the impact of climate change policies on its business, despite Exxon's board recommending a vote against.
The Church of England Pensions Board submitted a response to the consultation for the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB)’s Exposure Draft IFRS S1 General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-related Financial Information.
The Church of England Pensions Board has published its 2022 stewardship report, highlighting its engagement on mining safety, executive pay, human rights, and climate change.
Victory for ExxonMobil shareholders as climate change disclosure resolution receives majority support despite company opposition.
Volkswagen AG (VW) has rejected a shareholder proposal sent last week from seven European investors urging the company to explain how its lobbying activities help to address climate risks.
The Church Commissioners for England today reiterated support for the climate-related shareholder resolution, filed against the board of ExxonMobil, and calls on Exxon not to block the resolution going to a vote in 2020.
ExxonMobil shareholders have been informed by the Board of the company’s commitment to implement the recent shareholder resolution on climate change disclosure passed earlier this year.
Responsible investing in the age of Climate Change and Artificial Intelligence - The role of the Christian Investor.
Talk by Alan Smith, First Church Estates Commissioner, to the 2024 Church Investors Group Conference on 20 November, 2024.