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A Christian presence in every community
238 results found for 'sites default files 2023 05 LLF Implementation Working Groups Terms of Reference v2 pdf'
The Terms of Reference for the ‘PCR2 Reference Group’ which will oversee Past Cases Review 2 for the National Church Institutions has been published today.
The Church of England’s CDM Working Group has published a progress report acknowledging the hurt experienced by many under the CDM process, and recommending that the Clergy Discipline Measure 2003 is replaced with a new piece of legislation.
The Church Commissioners for England today reiterated support for the climate-related shareholder resolution, filed against the board of ExxonMobil, and calls on Exxon not to block the resolution going to a vote in 2020.
This article from Bishop Stephen Cottrell, Archbishop of York Designate, was published in the Daily Telegraph on Tuesday 12 May 2020.
A consultation hosted by the Archbishop of York took place online from 14 to 16 September and was attended by over 150 delegates.
Investors ask all mining companies to confirm support for the implementation of the Global Standard in their operations
Following the publication (Oct 6) of its overarching IICSA report, the Church’s national governing bodies have all endorsed a motion apologising to victims and survivors and committing to urgently implementing the six IICSA recommendations. There will be a particular focus on independent safeguarding and redress for survivors and victims
General Synod voted unanimously today to endorse the Church’s response to the five recommendations from IICSA and urged its national safeguarding steering group to work towards a more fully survivor-centred approach to safeguarding, including arrangements for redress for survivors.
The House has now reverted to a schedule of monthly meetings with this meeting being the meeting for November.
Farmers, lorry drivers and supermarket workers who helped keep food on our plates during Covid-19 pandemic will participate in the Church of England’s national service this week.