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A Christian presence in every community
1651 results found for 'sites default files 2023 06 Bristol safeguarding audit 2017 pdf'
There are some circumstances where you will be required to go through a formal tendering process. The process to recruit consultants/contractors must be fair. We can guide you through the requirements.
Grants for the conservation of historic church interiors & churchyard structures in partnership with the NLHF, Pilgrim Trust, Radcliffe Trust, Oswald Allen Bequest, Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths, Gunnis Fund & the Anglican Parish Churches Fund
Current proposed Private Members' Motions of the General Synod of the Church of England.
Fringe meetings and Displays at General Synod
The Mission, Pastoral and Church Property Committee carries out certain functions of the Church Commissioners.
Every ordinand is supported throughout their training. This includes your tuition fees and help with living costs.
Information about the ongoing review of the Mission and Pastoral Measure 2011
All the relevant information, documents and papers for the February 2025 Group of Sessions in London.
Publications and data resources produced by the Data Services unit of the Church of England. Including parish level census and deprivation statistics.
The Church of England is committed to the safeguarding, care and nurture of everyone within its community.