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A Christian presence in every community
393 results found for 'sites default files 2024 12 cheddleton jcpc notice pdf'
Why do churchgoers carry palm crosses? Why will there be processions through towns and cities this Sunday? Why will donkeys be seen in churches and cathedrals this week?
What does Good Friday commemorate? What happens in churches and cathedrals on Good Friday? Where does the name originate?
Why is Holy Saturday significant? How does the Church commemorate it? What is the Saturday before Easter Day called?
What does it commemorate? What does Maundy mean? Why do Christians wash feet? What is Maundy Money?
A pet food bank set up with support from a church is helping people to feed their dogs, cats and even guinea pigs amid the cost of living crisis
Bath Abbey is using an ancient water way to heat the World Heritage site.
Pilgrimage routes linking historic churches and ancient holy sites in one of the country’s most popular tourist destinations have been launched as part of a Church of England-funded project.
FEATURE / You might have noticed a new acronym popping up all over the place of late – GDPR – or the General Data Protection Regulation. It’s EU legislation that comes into force in May this year.
Churches of all denominations in the North East are working to find ways to build new homes amid concern over a shortage of affordable rented accommodation in the region.
FEATURE / Earlier this year the national Digital Communications team at Church House in London produced a report on how to get the most from the new A Church Near You.