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A Christian presence in every community
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Liturgical resources for Creation and the Environment.
Find out about how we are making our web platforms accessible to as many people as possible. is the Church of England’s official church finder tool, and it also offers free websites for churches and benefices.
Using AChurchNearYou as your church's website
The Cathedral Administrator is responsible for making sure applications are made in the proper way, although they do not have to submit applications themselves. We can help you navigate the application process from beginning to end.
You should always look at the impact on archaeology when you want to do repairs or make changes to your building. We can help you choose the right level of archaeological recording for your project, and sort out what permissions you might need.
Bats are a vital part of our native wildlife and part of God’s creation. However they can sometimes restrict our mission and worship. We can help you plan your building works, and the daily use of your church building, around bats.
There can be a lot of work to do before you apply to your Fabric Advisory Committee or to the Commission. We can help you increase your chances of success.
There are many reasons why people visit churches. Irregular visitors should be made to feel just as welcome as regular ones. To that end, hospitality and connectivity can work hand-in-hand. This case study focuses on St Michael's church in Witton Gilbert.
Each cathedral is required to employ both an architect and an archaeologist. They give expert advice on the care and conservation of the historic fabric of a cathedral. We can help you understand their roles and responsibilities.