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General Synod voted unanimously today to endorse the Church’s response to the five recommendations from IICSA and urged its national safeguarding steering group to work towards a more fully survivor-centred approach to safeguarding, including arrangements for redress for survivors.
Blog from new lead safeguarding bishop as he takes up the role.
General Synod voted today to acknowledge and apologise for past safeguarding wrongs. It also voted to endorse work on legislative and non-legislative changes to tighten procedures which have been identified following the Chichester Commissaries interim and final safeguarding reports.
A Betrayal of Trust, the independent report into the Church's handling of the allegations concerning the late Hubert Victor Whitsey, former Bishop of Chester, was published in October.
Safeguarding presentation to General Synod from national safeguarding director Alexander Kubeyinje and lead safeguarding bishop Jonathan Gibbs
From Bishop Viv Faull, deputy lead safeguarding bishop and co-chair designate of the All Party Parliamentary Group on safeguarding in faith settings.
Support for victims and survivors of church-related abuse to continue long term with new independent provider First Light
Bishop of Stepney to be new lead safeguarding bishop
The Church of England and Catholic Church in England and Wales will be continuing to provide support for victims of church-based abuse, following a successful two-year pilot of the Safe Spaces service.
The Church of England is supporting this year’s Safeguarding Sunday, 10 October 2021.