Maundy Thursday falls on March 29th this year. But what is Maundy Thursday and how to churches mark it? Find out below.

What is Maundy Thursday?
- Maundy Thursday is the fifth day of Holy Week - the final week of Lent, which begins on Palm Sunday and runs up until Easter.
- It gets its name from the Latin word 'mandare', from which we get the word 'command'. Christians remember Jesus's command: "Love one another as I have loved you."
- This is the day when Christians remember Jesus sharing the Last Supper with his disciples before his death on Good Friday.
When is it in 2018?
- Next Thursday - March 29th, 2018.
Why do Christians wash feet on Maundy Thursday?
- At the Last Supper Jesus washed the disciples' feet as an act of humility. Some churches recreate this act of service at special services on Maundy Thursday.
- Foot washing is a reminder of how Jesus served others and of the kind of service Christians are meant to demonstrate to others.
What about Maundy Money?
- Every year the Queen distributes silver coins at a special service on Maundy Thursday. It is part of a tradition dating back to the 13th Century when the Royal Family took part in ceremonies washing the feet of poor people and giving money and gifts.
- The Maundy Money ceremony itself began in 1662, when Charles II gave out coins.
- This year the service will take place at St George's Chapel, Windsor
Where will foot washing take place on Maundy Thursday?
(Some examples)
- York Minster, Chrism Eucharist, 11am - (The Archbishop of York will wash the feet of 12 people).
- St Peter’s Church, Walworth, 6.30pm – Mass of the Lord’s Supper.
- Guildford Cathedral, 7pm - Eucharist of the Lord’s Supper, Foot washing and the Watch.
- Canterbury diocese will host feet-washing in a local school.
What other events will take place on Maundy Thursday?
(Some examples)
- St Chad's Church, York, 6.30pm - Inter-faith celebration of Christian and Jewish traditions.
- St Michael’s, Southfields, 8pm - Bonfire