Once you have an outline funeral service written down, it’s important that you discuss it with others and tell them where you are going to file it.

If you produced your service outline on a computer, make sure you save it and print it off as well.

Hand written and printed funeral service plans can be stored in a labelled file at home, but remember to tell your family where it is. If you have no family, tell the person who is closest to you and who is most likely to have the task of organising your funeral when the time comes. Your solicitor can also store a copy for you if you wish.

It’s best not to include your funeral service plan within your will. A will is usually accessed and read after a funeral, so your wishes would come to light too late.

Remember you can update your funeral service outline at any time if your ideas change. Why not review it each year?

Planning booklet to download

Source URL: https://www.churchofengland.org/life-events/funerals/my-funeral-plans/who-tell-and-where-file