Big questions?

Facing loss can make us think about our own death, but where can we get help with our questions? This page offers some suggestions.

There are some big questions about death, dying and life beyond death that everyone must think about at some point, but perhaps family and friends don’t like to discuss it.

The Christian faith holds the hope that death is not the end. If this is something you’d like to talk about some more, contact your local church to see how they can help.

The vicar at your local church has lots of experience in talking about the big questions of life and death. Anything you ask or say will be in confidence. If these are things you want to talk about, get in touch, or go along to a church service to find out more.

A row of mature people in deep discussion.

A series of ‘death-cafes’ are emerging across the country to help people open up about death and dying. Dying Matters, an organisation which raises awareness about the importance of talking about death, offers comment via its blog. The Church of England's scheme is called GraveTalk and is available in some churches across the country.

The events are run especially for people in the local area to gather, have light refreshments and talk openly about death.

If this looks interesting to you, ask your local church if this is something they offer, or might consider offering.

But sometimes, just a conversation with friends or family can begin to break the ice on the subject. You might find that others have similar questions to you.