The Church is committed to safeguarding as an integral part of its ministry and mission, promoting a safer culture and the welfare of every child, young person and adult. As such, the Church has robust policies, procedures and guidelines in place, to ensure good practice throughout the central organisation, its 42 dioceses and other Church bodies.
The Church of England will:
- Promote a safer environment and culture
- Safely recruit and support all those with any responsibility related to children and vulnerable adults within the Church
- Respond promptly to every safeguarding concern or allegation
- Care pastorally for victims/survivors of abuse and other affected persons
- Care pastorally for those who are the subject of concerns or allegations of abuse and other affected persons
- Respond to those that may pose a present risk to others
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More information
- Governance of safeguarding
- IICSA's Anglican Church in England and Wales investigation
- Resources and campaigns to help understand and promote good safeguarding.
Reporting a concern and finding support
How to report and raise concerns, and information about organisations and charities that support victims of abuse.
Safe Spaces
A free and independent support service, for anyone who has been abused by someone in the Church.
Interim Support Scheme
To give immediate help and support to survivors whose life circumstances are significantly affected by the abuse suffered.
Survivor engagement
Enabling survivors and victims of abuse to have a say and an active role in making the Church of England a safer place for all.
Redress Scheme
The Church is currently in the process of developing national proposals for redress working with victims and survivors.
Reviews and reports
Independent lessons learnt reviews, Past Cases Review 2 and SCIE audit reports.
National Safeguarding Standards
Documentation, resources and tools for the National Safeguarding Standards and accompanying Quality Assurance Framework.
Learning and development
A range of safeguarding learning pathways for people with roles in the Church of England to complete.
Safeguarding and independence
The Church is currently responding to two safeguarding reports looking at independence
E-Manual, policy & practice guidance
Safeguarding Guidance and Codes of Practice
Latest safeguarding news
Contact the safeguarding team
- General enquiries: 020 7898 1778.
- The National Safeguarding Team has set up a dedicated inbox for complaints and other feedback as part of the wider National Church Institutions (NCIs) complaints policy. Contact us at [email protected].
- There are Safeguarding Advisers in every Church of England diocese and Safeguarding Officers in every parish. Use the Diocesan Safeguarding Teams map to contact your local safeguarding team.