a woman writing in a diary

JOIN: Volunteer Recruitment Resources

Making a plan

"The plans of the diligent lead to profit." Proverbs 21:5

Once you have decided to run the JOIN campaign in your church, make sure you plan well so that when new people step forward to volunteer, you are ready! If you have a Mission Action Plan that includes work with children and young people, this campaign should support and develop that work.

Getting the foundations right

  • Recruiting and managing volunteers well can be time-consuming, so work collaboratively as a parish and take this on as a team rather than by yourself.
  • Before you start, make sure you have everything in place to recruit volunteers safely and well. 
  • Be clear on who the point of contact is for people interested in volunteering and what the next steps are when they enquire.
  • Take time to think about when you are going to run the campaign. Ensure that enough time is given and that it's not rushed.
  • Take time to think about how you are going to run the campaign. Will you use social media? Posters? Hand out flyers? Will you involve current volunteers? Who is the best audience for the film? When is the best time to show it?

Your plan might look like this:

  • Play the video in your church or churches a few times during a service. And/or add it to your church website and social media channels.
  • Use it as a way of thanking your current volunteers and inviting them to share what they enjoy about their role. Highlight particular needs within your own church and be clear who people speak to if they’re interested in getting involved.
  • Order the FREE posters/flyers and display them in your church. Add your local details, and ask your welcomers to put them into people’s hands as they arrive for services, and other events.
  • Have personal conversations with people about joining in.
  • Encourage your church to pray for current volunteers as well as for children and young people in your community. 
two women speaking together and smiling

In our research a lot of volunteers said they got involved, very simply, because they were asked.

Source URL: https://www.churchofengland.org/JOINplan