Check your safeguarding set-up
Before you begin to ask new people to volunteer to work with children and young people, it’s essential to review your church’s policies and procedures. You will need the support of your PCC, Vicar, Parish Safeguarding Officer and Diocesan Officers.
New Guide: ‘Working and Volunteering safely with children and young people’
Take a look at this new guide with step-by-step guidance on:
- Safer recruitment
- Safeguarding training
- Safe practice
- Communicating with children and young people
It features essential information and easy-to-use templates.
New Guidelines: Children's and Youth Ministry in Personal Homes
Take a look at this helpful guidance on holding events with children and young people in a personal home, rather than on church premises. It will help navigate the necessary safeguarding considerations of hosting the event in a personal home, and ensure that all events are well-planned and safe for all.
Safeguarding Sunday Resources
Use these resources as inspiration to run your Safeguarding Sunday service.