
Committed to ethical and responsible investment

The Pensions Board administers pension schemes for those who have worked or ministered for the Church of England. It is one of the Church’s three National Investing Bodies (‘NIBs’).

As an investor, we are an active owner committed to managing our investments effectively. We seek to maximize long-term investment returns – to enable our members to have a secure financial future – and we are committed to ethical and responsible investment.

As a Church of England institution, we invest in a way that is consistent with the ethos and ethics of the Church of England, and we are guided in this by the Ethical Investment Advisory Group.

PB Stewardship Report Graphic 2023

2022 Stewardship Report

Welcome to our annual Stewardship Report. Find out more about our responsible investment activities.

2022 Stewardship Report

Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures Report 2022

The Church of England Pensions Board is pleased to publish its third report aligned with the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and its first standalone climate change report.

2022 Report

Recent highlights

Stewardship is at the heart of our investment approach. We use our voice, votes and build partnerships with other investors to drive change on the issues that matter most to our members and the world they will retire into.  

Last year, we put together this short video of highlights to accompany the publication of our 2021 Stewardship report. 

Who we are

The Pensions Board’s Investment team includes specialists in investment, operations and ethical and responsible investment. We are a fully integrated function, led by the Chief Investment Officer and the Chief Responsible Investment Officer. This means that to deliver on our objectives, we operate strategically through a thoughtful and collaborative approach.

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